7 #Best #Youtube Alternatives for Video #Marketing

If you are looking to bolster your video marketing campaign you have to be smart - staying within the safe and well-known zone that Youtube provides will get you nowhere. To really become a video pro and reach a wider audience you have to try new things. Here are 7 alternatives to Youtube that you might wish to try.

Facebook Live

Of course Facebook is where the largest volume of eye-balls for your marketing campaign can be found. A live video stream can be used to serve real time content to your customers that is bang up to date and relevant. This platform enables two way interaction with customers, who can respond either by commenting or asking questions about the video, and by letting you know their emotional reaction via an emoticon. Of course, this type of interaction is second nature given the amount of time people spend using Facebook socially. This wealth of feedback is invaluable in enabling you to understand your customers, and to create content which engages them. Facebook notifications mean that your customers will find out when you are live, and can tune in.

Instagram Live

The newly launched Instagram Live offers you the opportunity to serve live video streams to your customers. It is no secret that there is a huge trend towards unfiltered, real content and that this is behind the success of many a YouTube video. Viewers want to watch something that this ‘real’ and what could be more so than live video? Unlike other offerings in the live video space, Instagram Live content is only available to those who tune in, making it extra exclusive.


Yet further advocates of live video are the team behind Periscope. The focus of this platform is to give viewers an insight into places, people and events that they would not usually have the privilege of seeing. This ‘inside access’ has the potential to be used by companies to make customers feel special. In particular Periscope push the fact that the service offers the opportunity “of discovering the world through someone else’s eyes”. There are broad ranging possibilities for companies to use this to further customer trust and understanding of their business.

Browse Now to See 4 More YouTube Alternatives for Video Marketing Campaign


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