5 #SEO & #SMM Efforts to Boost #Google Page Rank

It is a false belief among most marketers that SEO and social media platform are two different aspects of marketing. In recent years, people have understood the interconnection between the two aspects that can increase company’s social presence and followers. The combination of social media platform and SEO boosts authority of online presence that improves search engine ranking on Google.
Nowadays, several successful companies spend time to work on both social media platform and SEO. Neglecting any of these two can lead you to the loss of potential customers and followers. Here, is a list of ways you can influence your marketing efforts positively with combined effort on SEO and social media platform.

Good Content to Stop People from Scrolling:

The most important thing you can do on your website is writing high quality content for SEO benefit. Your content section should have something interesting that will grab attention of the readers. For example, use of info-graphics and images increases users’ interest to read on and understand the descriptive part of the content. You can give your post a catchy title and encourage people to click on your post. Optimize your post content with relevant keywords and prepare it in a way that addresses queries of your target audience. SEO services in Portland work on such strategies and you may hire one of them in case you wish to outsource skill and expertise.

Link from Content to Social Media Platforms:

Popular social media sites always have higher authority that happens due to the amount of engagement they receive. Google regards pasting your website links on those popular social profiles as higher quality links. Creating a profile page and adding links to your website can capitalize site’s authority.


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